Cultivation Exchange (C.E.)
Organizational Knowledge Base Management
Cultivation Exchange is a Knowledge Base Management solution that allows authors to publish unlimited approved articles sharing "how to" or "did you know" knowledge across the organization.
Multi-user system manages the entire content review and approval process.
Deploys to your own website or intranet.
Helps users easily find information using ad-hoc search or category filters.
Users can leave feedback on each article and rate its usefulness. The feedback is displayed in actionable reports in the administrative interface.
Authors can add new articles or edit their own articles.
Editors can edit, publish, or reject articles, and add internal notes. They can also manage users and article categories.
Includes a scalable online database that supports unlimited users and thousands of knowledge base articles.
Administrative interface offers a dashboard view to track the status of articles, total feedback, total article views, and other useful metrics.